Portland, ME 207-671-0807

Organization Helping Parents & Schools Keep Their Children Safe

Keeping Kids Safe is a non-profit 501(c)3 agency

Author: SafeAdmin

Not On My Watch #8 – Dying To Drink

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. It's that time of year again when we get together with family and friends to enjoy the time off from work and school. It is the time of year when we exchange gifts and have relaxing dinners with family. Occasionally, adults have alcoholic beverages in celebration of the season. Occasionally, our children may sneak alcohol…

Not On My Watch #7 – Child Sex Trafficking

It has come to my shocking attention that sex trafficking among our Nation's youth is epidemic. In my many years in Law Enforcement, I never realized that children were being recruited and forced in the sex trade right here in America. I was appalled and thought that there must be a way to get involved. I needed to understand what…

Not On My Watch – #6 Latchkey Kids

It's that time of year again when the days are longer and warmer. Days spent with the family outside, cookouts and the water. School is on summer vacation and that means freedom for our kids. What it means for parents is more time that the child might have to stay at home alone and without parental supervision. Today's parents both…

Not On My Watch – #5 Prescription Drug Abuse

Parents, Grandparents, and pretty much all families have prescription drugs in their home. This makes prescription drugs readily accessible for anyone to abuse. 1 in 5 children have abused prescription medicines. According to the CDC, every day 2,000 teenagers use prescription drugs to get high. Children between the ages of 12 and 17 are more likely to abuse prescription drugs…

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