Portland, ME 207-671-0807

Organization Helping Parents & Schools Keep Their Children Safe

Keeping Kids Safe is a non-profit 501(c)3 agency

Category: Uncategorized

Not On My Watch – #4 Crystal Methamphetamine

I would be remiss if I did not write about the worst drug that society faces today. It is my experienced and professional opinion that crystal methamphetamine will lead to huge physiological and physical problems. I have witnessed this drug directly attribute to violence, homicide, suicide, homelessness, psychosis and physical breakdown. Death will usually occur if treatment is not sought.…

Not On My Watch – #3 MOLLY and Ectasy

If there are certain things that parents have asked about drugs and their kids, it's  “what does this mean? ” “What does it look like?” “What should I look for?"  All very common and not at all unique. Most parents don't have any idea of the vast variety of drugs that are available to our children. The days of smelling…

Not On My Watch #2 – Bath Salts

Hello concerned citizens, parents and child care providers, I guess by now you have heard of Bath Salts. If you have not,  you need to read this blog. If you have, you need to read this blog. Throughout my years in Law Enforcement, street drugs have always been marketed to the user in a nice, picture perfect way. Chemists have…

Not On My Watch #1 – Spice

I want to welcome you to the first of many topics discussed in “Not On My Watch.” This blog is for you. It's about keeping our kids safe from the dangers that exist in the world today. These dangers change daily and we must be diligent in keeping up with them. Believe me, If we don't someone else will and…

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